Drivers Thunder-max Input Devices

Copyright:© 1999-2001 Vojtech Pavlik <> - Sponsored by SuSE
  1. Install Audio Input Device Driver
  2. Usb Input Device Driver
  3. Dell Input Device Drivers
  4. Audio Input Device Driver
  5. Usb Input Device Driver Update
  6. Drivers Thundermax Input Devices Speed Sensor

Latest Drivers in Input Devices. Intel Wireless Bluetooth Driver 22.20.0 Intel Wireless Bluetooth is recommended for end users, including home users and business customers with Intel Wireless. Next, check the audio input and output sources for both your headset and on your PC. To check the audio input and output for your Oculus Quest: Open the Oculus app on your computer. Click Devices in the left side menu and then select Quest and Touch. Below Audio Output in VR, make sure your Quest is selected. Pluging in the device. Open up the device manager. Find the Human Interface Device key related to USB to Serial and right click on it. Select Update Driver. Select 'Install from list from specific location'. De-select 'Search removable media'. Then select 'Include this location in Search' Click Browse.

1.1. Architecture¶

Input subsystem a collection of drivers that is designed to supportall input devices under Linux. Most of the drivers reside indrivers/input, although quite a few live in drivers/hid anddrivers/platform.

The core of the input subsystem is the input module, which must beloaded before any other of the input modules - it serves as a way ofcommunication between two groups of modules:

1.1.1. Device drivers¶

These modules talk to the hardware (for example via USB), and provideevents (keystrokes, mouse movements) to the input module.

1.1.2. Event handlers¶

These modules get events from input core and pass them where neededvia various interfaces - keystrokes to the kernel, mouse movements viaa simulated PS/2 interface to GPM and X, and so on.

1.2. Simple Usage¶

For the most usual configuration, with one USB mouse and one USB keyboard,you’ll have to load the following modules (or have them built in to thekernel):

After this, the USB keyboard will work straight away, and the USB mousewill be available as a character device on major 13, minor 63:

This device usually created automatically by the system. The commandsto create it by hand are:

After that you have to point GPM (the textmode mouse cut&paste tool) andXFree to this device to use it - GPM should be called like:

And in X:

When you do all of the above, you can use your USB mouse and keyboard.

1.3. Detailed Description¶

1.3.1. Event handlers¶

Event handlers distribute the events from the devices to userspace andin-kernel consumers, as needed. evdev¶

Install Audio Input Device Driver

evdev is the generic input event interface. It passes the eventsgenerated in the kernel straight to the program, with timestamps. Theevent codes are the same on all architectures and are hardwareindependent.

This is the preferred interface for userspace to consume userinput, and all clients are encouraged to use it.

See Event interface for notes on API.

The devices are in /dev/input:

There are two ranges of minors: 64 through 95 is the static legacyrange. If there are more than 32 input devices in a system, additionalevdev nodes are created with minors starting with 256. keyboard¶

keyboard is in-kernel input handler and is a part of VT code. Itconsumes keyboard keystrokes and handles user input for VT consoles. mousedev¶

mousedev is a hack to make legacy programs that use mouse inputwork. It takes events from either mice or digitizers/tablets and makesa PS/2-style (a la /dev/psaux) mouse device available to theuserland.

Mousedev devices in /dev/input (as shown above) are:

Each mouse device is assigned to a single mouse or digitizer, exceptthe last one - mice. This single character device is shared by allmice and digitizers, and even if none are connected, the device ispresent. This is useful for hotplugging USB mice, so that older programsthat do not handle hotplug can open the device even when no mice arepresent.

CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV_SCREEN_[XY] in the kernel configuration arethe size of your screen (in pixels) in XFree86. This is needed if youwant to use your digitizer in X, because its movement is sent to Xvia a virtual PS/2 mouse and thus needs to be scaledaccordingly. These values won’t be used if you use a mouse only.

Mousedev will generate either PS/2, ImPS/2 (Microsoft IntelliMouse) orExplorerPS/2 (IntelliMouse Explorer) protocols, depending on what theprogram reading the data wishes. You can set GPM and X to any ofthese. You’ll need ImPS/2 if you want to make use of a wheel on a USBmouse and ExplorerPS/2 if you want to use extra (up to 5) buttons. joydev¶

joydev implements v0.x and v1.x Linux joystick API. SeeProgramming Interface for details.

As soon as any joystick is connected, it can be accessed in /dev/input on:

Usb Input Device Driver

And so on up to js31 in legacy range, and additional nodes with minorsabove 256 if there are more joystick devices.

1.3.2. Device drivers¶

Device drivers are the modules that generate events. hid-generic¶

hid-generic is one of the largest and most complex driver of thewhole suite. It handles all HID devices, and because there is a verywide variety of them, and because the USB HID specification isn’tsimple, it needs to be this big.

Currently, it handles USB mice, joysticks, gamepads, steering wheelskeyboards, trackballs and digitizers.

However, USB uses HID also for monitor controls, speaker controls, UPSs,LCDs and many other purposes.

The monitor and speaker controls should be easy to add to the hid/inputinterface, but for the UPSs and LCDs it doesn’t make much sense. For this,the hiddev interface was designed. See Care and feeding of your Human Interface Devicesfor more information about it.

The usage of the usbhid module is very simple, it takes no parameters,detects everything automatically and when a HID device is inserted, itdetects it appropriately.

However, because the devices vary wildly, you might happen to have adevice that doesn’t work well. In that case #define DEBUG at the beginningof hid-core.c and send me the syslog traces. usbmouse¶

For embedded systems, for mice with broken HID descriptors and just anyother use when the big usbhid wouldn’t be a good choice, there is theusbmouse driver. It handles USB mice only. It uses a simpler HIDBPprotocol. This also means the mice must support this simpler protocol. Notall do. If you don’t have any strong reason to use this module, use usbhidinstead. usbkbd¶

Much like usbmouse, this module talks to keyboards with a simplifiedHIDBP protocol. It’s smaller, but doesn’t support any extra special keys.Use usbhid instead if there isn’t any special reason to use this. psmouse¶

This is driver for all flavors of pointing devices using PS/2protocol, including Synaptics and ALPS touchpads, IntellimouseExplorer devices, Logitech PS/2 mice and so on. atkbd¶

This is driver for PS/2 (AT) keyboards. iforce¶

A driver for I-Force joysticks and wheels, both over USB and RS232.It includes Force Feedback support now, even though ImmersionCorp. considers the protocol a trade secret and won’t disclose a wordabout it.

1.4. Verifying if it works¶

Typing a couple keys on the keyboard should be enough to check thata keyboard works and is correctly connected to the kernel keyboarddriver.

Doing a cat/dev/input/mouse0 (c, 13, 32) will verify that a mouseis also emulated; characters should appear if you move it.

You can test the joystick emulation with the jstest utility,available in the joystick package (see Introduction).

You can test the event devices with the evtest utility.

1.5. Event interface¶

You can use blocking and nonblocking reads, and also select() on the/dev/input/eventX devices, and you’ll always get a whole number of inputevents on a read. Their layout is:

time is the timestamp, it returns the time at which the event happened.Type is for example EV_REL for relative moment, EV_KEY for a keypress orrelease. More types are defined in include/uapi/linux/input-event-codes.h.

code is event code, for example REL_X or KEY_BACKSPACE, again a completelist is in include/uapi/linux/input-event-codes.h.

value is the value the event carries. Either a relative change forEV_REL, absolute new value for EV_ABS (joysticks …), or 0 for EV_KEY forrelease, 1 for keypress and 2 for autorepeat.

See Input event codes for more information about various even codes.


Application programs rely on a combination of user-mode and kernel-mode components to capture (input) and render (output) wave streams. A wave stream is a digital-audio stream whose data format is described by a WAVEFORMATEX or WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE structure.

An application can use either of the following software interfaces for wave rendering and capture:

  • Microsoft Windows Multimedia waveOutXxx and waveInXxx functions

  • DirectSound and DirectSoundCapture APIs

The behavior of the waveOutXxx and waveInXxx functions is based on the capabilities of legacy wave drivers and devices. Beginning with Windows 98, the WDMAud system driver translates calls to these functions into commands to WDM audio drivers. However, by emulating the behavior of older software and hardware, the waveOutXxx functions sacrifice the 3-D sound effects and hardware acceleration that are now available through the DirectSound API. For more information about DirectSound and the Windows Multimedia wave functions, see the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.

DirectSound and the Windows Multimedia wave functions are clients of the SysAudio system driver, which builds the audio filter graphs that process the wave and DirectSound streams. Graph building is transparent to the applications that use these software interfaces.

Wave Components

The following figure shows the user-mode and kernel-mode components that a wave application uses to render or capture a digital audio stream consisting of wave PCM data.

The rendering components appear on the left side of the preceding figure, and the capture components appear on the right. The boxes representing the wave miniport driver are darkened to indicate that these are vendor-supplied components. The other components in the figure are system-supplied.

At the top left of the figure, the wave-rendering (or 'wave-out') application interfaces to the WDM audio drivers through the waveOutXxx functions, which are implemented in the user-mode WinMM system component, Winmm.dll. The application reads blocks of wave audio samples from a file and calls the waveOutWrite function to render them.

WDMAud, which consists of both user-mode and kernel-mode components (Wdmaud.drv and Wdmaud.sys), buffers the wave data from the waveOutWrite call and outputs the wave stream to the KMixer system driver, which appears below WDMAud in the figure.

KMixer is a system component that receives wave PCM streams from one or more sources and mixes them together to form a single output stream, which is also in wave PCM format.

KMixer outputs a wave stream to a WaveCyclic or WavePci device, whose port and miniport drivers appear below KMixer on the left side of the preceding figure. The miniport driver binds itself to the port driver to form the wave filter that represents the underlying audio rendering device. A typical rendering device outputs an analog signal that drives a set of speakers or an external audio unit. A rendering device might also output digital audio through an S/PDIF connector. For more information about WaveCyclic and WavePci, see Wave Filters.

Alternatively, KMixer can pass its output stream to a USB audio device, which is controlled by the USBAudio class system driver (not shown in figure), instead of a WaveCyclic or WavePci device.

An adapter driver creates an instance of a WaveCyclic or WavePci port driver by calling PcNewPort with a GUID value of CLSID_PortWaveCyclic or CLSID_PortWavePci, respectively.

The right side of the preceding figure shows the components that are needed to support an application that captures wave data to a file. The wave-capture (or 'wave-in') application communicates with the WDM audio drivers through the waveInXxx functions, which are implemented in the WinMM system component.

At the lower right corner of the figure, the wave-capture device is controlled by wave miniport and port drivers. The port and miniport drivers, which can be of type WaveCyclic or WavePci, bind together to form a wave filter that represents the capture device. This device typically captures an analog signal from a microphone or other audio source and converts it to a wave PCM stream. The device might also input a digital audio stream through an S/PDIF connector.

The wave port driver outputs its wave stream either to KMixer or to WDMAud directly. The stream must pass through KMixer if it needs to be sample-rate converted before WDMAud receives it. A system that performs simultaneous rendering and capture of audio streams might require two instances of KMixer, as shown in the figure. Note that SysAudio automatically creates these instances as they are needed.

Alternatively, the source of the captured wave stream can be a USB audio device instead of a WaveCyclic or WavePci device. In this case, the USBAudio driver (not shown in figure) passes the stream to KMixer.


Regardless of whether the wave stream is captured by a USB device or by a WaveCyclic or WavePci device, KMixer performs sample-rate conversion on the stream, if needed, but does no mixing with other streams. KMixer outputs the resulting stream to Wdmaud.sys, the kernel-mode half of the WDMAud system driver. The user-mode half, Wdmaud.drv, outputs the wave stream to the application program through the waveInXxx functions, which are implemented in Winmm.dll. Finally, at the top of the figure, the wave-capture application writes the wave data to a file.

At the time that the wave-capture application calls the waveInOpen function to open the capture stream, it passes in a pointer to its callback routine. When a wave-capture event occurs, the operating system calls the callback routine with a buffer containing the next block of wave samples from the capture device. In response to the callback, the application writes the next block of wave data to the file.

DirectSound Components

The following figure shows the user-mode and kernel-mode components that are used by a DirectSound application program to render or capture wave data.

The rendering components are shown in the left half of the preceding figure, and the capture components appear on the right. The wave miniport drivers are shown as darkened boxes to indicate that they are vendor-supplied components. The other components in the figure are system-supplied.

Dell Input Device Drivers

At the top left of the figure, a DirectSound application loads wave data from a file to a sound buffer that the user-mode DirectSound system component (Dsound.dll) manages. This component sends a wave stream to a WaveCyclic or WavePci device, whose port and miniport drivers appear at the lower left in the figure. If a hardware mixer pin is available on the device, the stream passes directly to the wave port driver, bypassing KMixer. Otherwise, the stream first passes through KMixer, which mixes it with any other simultaneously playing streams. KMixer outputs the mixed stream to the port driver.

As before, the miniport driver binds itself to the port driver to form the wave filter that represents the underlying audio rendering device. This device might play the stream through a set of speakers, for example.

Audio Input Device Driver

Alternatively, the wave stream can be rendered by a USB audio device instead of a WaveCyclic or WavePci device. In this case, the stream cannot bypass KMixer; the USBAudio class system driver (not shown in figure) always passes the stream to KMixer.

Sureshotgps usb devices driver. . Click the Device Manager. Expand Universal Serial Bus controllers, Ports or Other Devices. Right-click USB-Serial Controller D and then click Uninstall to remove the driver. Disconnect your SureshotGPS. Restart the computer. Plug in the SureshotGPS device, and then test to.

The right side of the preceding figure shows the components that support a DirectSoundCapture application. The application records wave data that is receives from a WaveCyclic or WavePci capture device. This device converts an analog signal from a microphone, for example, to a wave stream. The device's wave port and miniport drivers appear at the lower-right corner of the figure. As shown in the figure, the port driver receives as input the stream from the miniport driver and outputs it either directly to the user-mode DirectSound component, Dsound.dll, or indirectly through KMixer. This depends on whether a hardware capture pin is available from the capture device.

Alternatively, the source of the captured wave stream can be a USB audio device. In this case, the stream cannot bypass KMixer; the USBAudio driver (not shown in figure) always passes the stream to KMixer.

Usb Input Device Driver Update


Drivers Thundermax Input Devices Speed Sensor

If KMixer is inserted into the path of the capture stream, it performs sample-rate conversion on the stream, if needed, but does no mixing with other streams.

At the top-right corner of the preceding figure, the application reads the wave data from the DirectSoundCapture buffer and writes it to the file.